Saturday, October 3, 2015

Oct. 3. 2015. Eritrea Cuisine I

I was just happy to see African food in the U.S. You know, basic ingredients are the same, no matter where people live, but depending on how to cook, it can be called Korean, Chinese, American, or African food. The bread was made of flour, the soup made of lamb, and the left side of the picture… what is it? Is it cheese? Bread crumbs? Weldegergis said, “It is HALVA!” “How do you spell?” “H.A.L.V.A. Halva~!”

I could not tolerate my curiosity, so I did quick web search with my phone. Halva is a type of dense, sweet confections. According to Wikipedia, there were two styles, flour-based and nut-butter-based, but I was not sure what kinds of halva I had. Anyway, I had a nibble on halva, and the taste was really sweet! I felt like it was a chunk of sugar, so I was a bit afraid of cramming them in my mouth. However, having carelessly torn bread saturated in lamb soup with a small amount of halva reminded me of my Africa life last year. Of course, there was no need to use spoon or fork!

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