Thursday, January 8, 2015

Jan 8. 2015. Clean water from human waste

Do you think excremental water can change into clean water that human beings can drink? The answer is YES! Even if the water is filled with feces and sewage, it can be reformed as drinkable water through water boiling and treating process. The sewage treatment plant, called the Omniprocessor, was built by Seattle-based engineering firm, Janicki Bioenergy. This machine use human waste to create clean water and electricity! The billionaire Microsoft cofounder, Bill Gates became interested in this new technology that “transforms human waste into clean water and electricity,” so he eagerly wants to help 2 billion people who have no access to adequate sanitation through his philanthropic Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  

Here is Bill Gates’ blog.

To generate electricity and create clean water, the Omniprocessor enters feces into the machine. Boiled sewage is divided into dry sludge and water vapor. The dry waste is then incinerated at extremely high temperature to produce the electricity that is delivered to communities in Seattle. The water vapor is filtered and it produces clean drinking water.

This is how Omniprocess works.

This sewage treatment technology would solve poor sanitation situation in developing countries, and a pilot project has been planned in Dakar, Senegal this year. I hope this investment would be also attractive to entrepreneurs.

Bill Gates tasted one sip of water that was with poo a few minutes before and said, “It’s water!” at the end of the video. (If he bottomed up that glass of the water, it would look much better. JHe said, “The water tasted as good as any I’ve had out of a bottle. And having studied the engineering behind it, I would happily drink it every day. It’s that safe.”

Who can deny admiring his humanitarian work to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene in developing world?  I thought I live in a troubled world where terrorism and crime are occurring in succession here and there; but the world is still beautiful because there are also many philanthropists who help the poor for the betterment of society.

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