Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oct 21. 2014. 2G Life

I have been living in the 4G (4th generation mobile networks/wireless system) world. Yesterday, South Korea companies, Samsung and SK Telecom demonstrated 5G technology at the World IT Show in Busan, South Korea. In the upcoming 2020, people will enjoy 5G, 50 times faster than 4G that only 1 second needed for downloading a movie.

<Here Comes 5G- The technology that will make your Smartphone nearly 50 times faster>

1G technology refers to wireless telephone technology through radio analog signals.
2G networks use digital and SMS text messaging has begun.
3G is the beginning of Smartphone and mobile modem for laptop computers.
4G enabled us to have a video call.
And at last, 5G! This new frequency will vibrate like a thunder.

So far, I might have been only moving forward, adding number with the “generation.” Actually, I have never imagined going back to the previous G or keep staying an old G because my friends who have fancy Smartphones must have made fun of me. I was bothered by this quick quick fast fast world in the past, and now I am learning the beauty of patience in African countries. I came back to 2G life! Tracing back to my childhood, I got my first cellphone, only for calling and texting, more than 10 years ago.

#1. Since there was no micro SIM card in Zambia for my Samsung Galaxy III, I had to have another phone, which was NOKIA 2G phone. I was surprised that this little phone also had some racing game in the program. I was suspicious if this phone can ring a bell and receive some messages, but it all worked.

#2. Since there was no Airtel SIM card for my modem in Zambia (I do not still understand why… because modem SIM card should be the same as phone’s), I had to buy another modem, which was Zamtel. It must be Zam(bia)+tell, so Zamtel. The advertisement was clever; “Be Zamtelligent!” I paid 200 Kwacha (about $32) for Zamtel modem and 1GB SIM card, but unfortunately, it did not work. They said there should be network problem, but I had to use it right away to attend final project group meeting at 6:30 pm (EST), which was 12:30am CAT. Oh no… my peer evaluation will be terrible because I could not join.

#3. Western Union bank made me so sad, and I literally go there and come back about 15 times to receive the money from Tanzania. Whenever I went there, the system was down, cash was not ready, I did not know what MTCN number was…

Be patient. 2G life is not that bad. Nobody is chasing me, and it must be myself who pushes me to the desperate cliff. Nothing will happen, and everything should be fine. It is just slow. Slow slow. I am learning the rhythm, quick quick slow slow. I may not download a movie within a second in Africa, but I can feel the sufficientness of 2G technologies.

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