Thursday, August 14, 2014

Aug 14. 2014. Sexy Chicken

“Do you know the difference between broiler chicken and Africa chicken?”

Celine suddenly asked me, and I was struck dumb. Chicken is chicken. Should it be different?

“Yes, taste is absolutely different. Meat is much more stronger. Chicken in Africa go around anywhere, and eat insect. But broiler chickens are weak and taste is bad.”

Chickens in Africa are sexy. They are nimble in their movement. They are always walking and running around a plain. Chicks are busy with following their mama, and they grab a bite of this and that, including dead insects on the round. They looked like they can eat everything. The problem for me is that they are too slim; in other words, the chicken body I can eat is small small. (I apologize if I said something that offended vegetarians.) Also, their muscle is too strong, so meat is tough. Their tendon is big and thick, so I was intimated to eat that part. Their bone is also strong and solid, so even dog and cat cannot succeed in chewing, then they refuse to eat chicken’s bone part.

I have already accustomed myself to the broiler chicken, a domesticated fowl that is bred and raised for mass meat production in the factory. They have fat and tender body, so I can enjoy that chicken food. However, in both Sierra Leone and Tanzania, chicken leg has no enough flesh, and it is hard for me to chew. While I am not familiar with the taste of African chicken in the wild, Africans say out loud that broiler chicken is not delicious. Factory chicken must have been raised by growth hormone or excessive vitamin to make them grow rapidly and enlarge chicken breast. Is it really bad for humans? How many chickens have I consumed so far? 500 chickens?

Interestingly, chicken is the most expensive meat in Tanzania. Modest explained the reason for a long to me. Why does it need extra efforts to tame a wild chicken? According to him, the specific space should be needed to raise chicken, so it is harder to domesticate them than raising cows. But while chickens lay so many eggs at one time, cow only breed one baby and it takes several years to grow… He also explained about red meat and white meat, which confused me which meat comes under which meat type. White meat refers to poultry, like rabbit and chicken, and red meat refers to cattle, cow, goose, duck, or pig. White meat is more preferable because it there are less fat content and calories whereas red meat may cause arthritis, hypertension or cardiovascular disease. 

Is naturalism good? Growing in the course of nature would be the best for us, chicken, and any organism. In the U.S. major-league baseball, many star players have fell into temptation of injecting steroid to make themselves powerful. Once they get caught, their new records suddenly become dishonored. So, here is the broiler chicken that has a plump voluptuous breast and thick but tender thigh. Is this good for our health? It looks gorgeous from what you can see of it, we cannot judge by appearance. A wild chicken in Africa has a rough skin and somewhat fierce, but it may have much more great nutrients to us.

Well, I am looking at the chicken leg from Africa. My teeth should be strong enough tear out its flesh. I feel like I am also being a wild man who is holding a chicken leg with two hands. Either chicken meat is tough or soft, chicken is chicken to me. Let’s eat! I will become stronger.

I think this chicken leg is too sexy and slim. 

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