Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Aug 26. 2014. MOM IS WOW

In the reception desk area, a large painting was hanging on the wall. A mother was carrying a baby on her back. I am a prosaic – emotionally barren – man, so painting does not normally inspire me. But the interesting thing was the sentence above this painting.


I say that again. “MOM IS WOW~!” It seemed to have a profound meaning. This slogan made me see the painting again. She was also poising a basket on her head; I assumed she was trying to sell those vegetables to feed her baby. The baby looked so big enough to stop receiving exclusive breast feeding (EBF). You baby, now you have to receive complementary feeding. “MOM IS WOW~~!!” When I say that third time, I found something. When you turn the word “MOM” upside down, it becomes “WOW!” The painting now has just become special to me. Because I agree that MOM IS WOW.

Everyone must have passed a bundle of joy. Well, none of us has memory about that. Infant days completely depend on MOM’s dedication and love (of course, with DAD’s love as well), and thankfully, we went through those total-vulnerable times safely. The sad thing is that I never know how I grew up during those times because I might not even realize myself whether I was actually human being or not at that time. Now, I was finally able to behave as a person should, by graduating my beyond memory of toddlerhood. Won’t you believe that your MOM had you tied to her back all the time just because you cannot remember or could not see yourself where you were at that time? Won’t you believe in God only because you have not seen with your naked eye? I know… belief without seeing must be hard. Many times, trust and faith are totally covered with dark clouds because we always want to see the thing through our pupil. Do you still have to see your infancy to realize how much your MOM loves you? Thanks to her love, we have been free from various diseases and have attained adulthood healthily. Now, it is your responsibility to keep your health from so many diseases in the world. If you are in Africa, please be careful of Ebola, Cholera, and mosquito diseases just now.

Recently, I read an absurd, funny, extreme, but sad Korean news article about mom and daughter. I cannot help telling this story. A mom (somewhere in South Korea…) set a fire to her daughter’s school uniform and blanket in the house because she was so angry at her daughter’s behavior that she meet her boyfriend. A daughter was so shocked and ran to the police station to get immediate help. She did not mean to report it to the police, just fearing so much that something would be going to happen to her mom. All that happened at 3:20am. The article only delivered this fact. But when I read the comments under this online article, many readers reinterpreted this situation, just like I do add my thoughts into Ebola news. Many comments, surprisingly, were defending mom’s position. Readers were guessing with confidence that her daughter never study and fool around her boyfriend. You see? The time was in the middle of dawn. A mom must have been waiting for her all night without sleeping, and she did an extreme behavior in a fit of anger. We could imagine her innermost feelings from fire, and that fire might exactly speak of her miserable burning mind.

Can you blame her? As always, we understand how much MOM love us. But many times, the way of her love is inquisitive, so we may feel uncomfortable to answer all of her curiosity. We know. This is the way of her expression how much she is caring about us. Notwithstanding, what I still carefully want to say is that children may also want MOM’s love in their way, not MOM’s own way of love. MOMs always want to give everything to their children without regret, but sometimes her ungrudging love can be poison to them. Have your MOM ever asked you that “How can I love you? What kind of love are you willing to receive?” Maybe not. Like an eaglet finally learn how to fly by themselves and leave the parental roof, MOMs should also know when they have to release her children to allow them fly high in the sky. Of course, their precious children may get hurt from somewhere and whine severely; but those difficulties will absolutely make them stronger and become a spiritual nourishment for being leaders among ruthless eagles in the future. It is all about trust. Just like infants showed trust to their MOM 100%, MOM can show her full trust to her already-grown-infants (it must be hard for her to believe…) to allow them find their own way.

In South Korea, the localized severe rainstorm has caused damages of many houses, subways, trains and cars in the southern province. This downpour has also produced at least 5 losses of lives. The daily precipitation was 242.5mm in Changwon, the city where my parents live; I knew they should be okay, but I sent a Kakaotalk text message to them to check if they are okay. Usually, I do not say hello to them because I am a bigger boy.

“We are okay, don’t worry. Are YOU okay?”

My mom asked me in return. She is always much concerned for my safety, even more than her safety. Sometimes, her apprehension lays a burden on me. I think I am already grown-up, so I consider myself that I can seem to do everything without her help; but it seems that I am still a young child who is on the back in her deepest mind. I do not know. I often talk back to my parents now that I think myself I am older, but I may be an little child forever in their memory who needs lifetime fundamental support. It may be true. A child never know how deeply concerned his parents are about him. I may finally understand heart of my parents a little better when I become a father myself.

So… I can say out loud that again. LOL. “MOM is WOW~~~!!!”

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