Thursday, August 21, 2014

Aug 21. 2014. 2 to 21 Days

As of August 20, there have been 2,473 confirmed, probable or suspect cases of Ebola, and 1,350 patients have been dead among them in West Africa: Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. It just does not seem to stop. However, there should be hope in the midst of these darkest days. USA TODAY reported breaking news today that there is no health risk from 2 U.S. Ebola patients. American doctor Kent Brantly and nurse Nancy Writebol were discharged from Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital today and last Tuesday, respectively.

We do not know yet that an experimental drug, Zmapp, has really cured their disease or not. Although 2 U.S. Ebola patients miraculously survived after receiving doses of Zmapp, a Spanish priest who also received Zmapp died.

Every case, we always consider minimum and maximum. According to WHO, 2014 Ebola outbreak survival rate is 47%, which has been higher than previous outbreak. Even if there is no confirmed treatment or vaccine for Ebola patients to cure, medical science has been continually developed, and almost half of patients in Africa have survived with even less sophisticated medical care. Many people may have heard that a case fatality rate is up to 90%. If we look at the sentence carefully, there is the expression “up to,” which means maximum 90%. We may be freaked out this deadly virus’ destructive power and take it quickly that 9 out of 10 Ebola positive people will die.

But, let’s think about it more in detail, not simply being swayed by the press. Ebola has occurred only in Africa, from 1976. One of the team who first co-discovered this virus is Peter Piot, former Executive Director of UNAIDS and he is now the director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

27-year-old young Belgian scientist, Peter Piot, traveled to the village of Yambuku, Zaire, now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the team to discover a deadly unknown virus in 1976.

"I wasn't scared. The excitement of discovery and wanting to stop the epidemic was driving everything. We heard far more people were dying from the disease than we originally thought and we wanted to get to work."

All discoveries begin from human’s strong sense of curiosity and adventure; in this case, we need to add braveness, confidence and sense of duty. He investigated to unravel the mystery of this virus with 3 major questions.

1. How did the epidemic evolve?
2. Where did the infected people come from?
3. Who gets infected?

Peter Piot's note in 1976:  a map for investigating the transmission of virus

The team found that injecting with used syringes spread the virus, and people who attended funerals were also getting ill. Once they discovered the infection route, they systematically went through village to stop further transmission of the virus; they put people who directly contacted with infected dead body into quarantine. Although 300 people died of Ebola, they successfully stopped the epidemic. The team named this virus after the closest river they could see, Ebola River. That was how this virus was found and got its name, Ebola virus.

<The virus detective who discovered Ebola in 1976>

<The 27-Year Old Who Co-Discovered Ebola Had No Idea What He Was Getting Himself Into>

So then, how up to 90% fatality rate came up? CDC shows % of death for each Ebola outbreak from 1976 and up till now, a total of 33 cases. During the first outbreak in 1976, 280 out of 318 (88%) were dead in Congo. In the same year, 151 out of 284 (53%) were dead in South Sudan. Again, 250 out of 315 (81%) in 1995, 128 out of 143 (89%) in 2002-2003, 29 out of 35 (83%) in December 2003, 187 out of 264 (71%), 15 out of 32 (47%) in 2008-2009 (47%), 13 out of 36 (36.1%) in 2012 were dead in Congo. There were cases for 3 times, 2011, 2012, 2012-2013, in Uganda as well. I can see the pattern where Ebola appears, especially Congo and Uganda. It must be some problem about their eating habits. People in remote villages may still never know what the Ebola virus is and never abandon the habit of eating bush meat and bat meat. In spite of containing Ebola, this virus has always recurred in the similar region, in the same country due to poor medical infrastructure and lack of public health education.

Surprisingly, African people’s habit has never changed since 1976. Almost 40 years passed, they still attend the funeral and got infected, spread the disease, fled from the hospital, and family hide Ebola patients. So Ebola virus reoccurred; it newly appeared in West Africa, more seriously, through the fragile borders and airplane, so 4 African countries moan with deadly pain.

90% fatality rate is just maximum possibility. It is not average. The reason why this rate increases to 90% is that there might be no health facility in Congo. If you get Ebola in Congo, you have 90% of death possibility. My personal opinion is that if you get Ebola in the U.S., death possibility would be much less than 47% because U.S. health facilities is incomparable to those in West Africa. There are no specific vaccine, medicine, or treatment, but there are basic interventions to increase the changes of survival by rehydrating, maintaining oxygen status and blood pressure, and treat complications.

<Outbreak Chronology: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever>

What about the incubation period of Ebola? WHO says “The incubation period from time of infection to symptoms is 2 to 21 days.” Actually, I have been holding my breath for 3 weeks to monitor my 21 days. Most Ebola cases appears within 10 days, but it was still too soon to relax; I waited until my possible incubation period to convince myself that I am Ebola-free. Since I left Sierra Leone on July 29th, 21 days has already passed. I still have no fever. Should I celebrate? Okay, but only for 10 seconds. I know all WVSL staff and friends in Sierra Leone. I have to pray for them so that they are also safe from Ebola.

It is all about the battle with the statistics and possibility to prevent Ebola virus from spreading to another person and another country. Experts say that Ebola is not air-born disease; but let's read this sentence from WHO and think about it.

“In the 2014 Ebola outbreak, nearly all of the cases of EVD are a result of human-to-human transmission.”

What is “nearly all”? Possibly, the other small part that would not be included in the nearly all category could be “air-borne.” We do not have exact information about Ebola yet, and we may have not found the other existing transmission route. Nobody knows. If the maximum days of incubation period are 21 days, let’s wait until I spend 21 days, and see what my body says. Again, nobody knows. All we can do as weak human beings is to discover the phenomenon that has already existed or will have appeared some day. Only God knows what is going on. We only calculate the minimum and maximum possibilities.


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