Sunday, August 24, 2014

Aug 24. 2014. 불편한 진실

I left my lodge early in the morning. It was Sunday at 7:30am, but shoeshine man already took his seat and waited for customers. Every morning, I was busy to walk to the office and passed by him, but I approached him to have my shoes cleaned this time.

“Good morning!”

I said hello to him in English because using Swahili is my inconvenient truth. I gave words of blessing to him that he began working so early even on Sunday, but he did not seem to understand me. Instead, I asked how much it was to polish the shoes. He said, “Five hundred!” 500 Tanzania Shilling equaled to 30 cents. I sat on the chair, then, he hurriedly took out many different sizes of flip-flops and tried to find the most suitable one for me. I changed my feet, and passed my shoes to him. Since my shoes were black, he took out black shoe polish and began polishing it single-mindedly.

His work reminded me of my time in the military. When I was a military recruit, I used to polish combat boots really hard every night. When a drillmaster detected at least one dirty combat boots, he knocked over the boot rack out of anger and ordered recruits to clean them again whole night until he became satisfied. The combat boots should be bling-bling, like a glittered with star in the night sky. You may wonder what is the relationship between dirt on the combat boots and the battle? Recruits would have to roll in mud next day, and the shoes would get dirty again a few hours later. Should the combat boots function as nightglow so that soldiers can walk so easily in the darkness? It was all about establishing military discipline. 각잡힌 군대! Because the victory from the battle lies in soldiers’ habitual mental attitude. If that mindset relaxes, you must be defeated in the war. So I was bordering on obsession with making everything perpendicular, 90 degrees of blanket, 90 degrees of folding laundry, 90 degrees of walking (직각보행)… When I entered some training center for receiving moral education, all drillmasters sang with unity, 굴려어~~~!!!” (Roll feet!) So I had to roll my feet continuously until I found the seat, and I had to sit 90 degrees upright during the whole session.

That was an inconvenient truth. I had to maintain a permanent state of tension to prepare for defense by rolling my feet and making my life at an angle of 90°. When I indulged in memories, a shoeblack just finished his job. My shoes were so shiny, and it looked almost new. I paid him 500 TZS and said, “See you next time!”

As soon as turning on my heel, I felt bad for him. He just earned 500 TZS, but it was only 30 cents. In the afternoon, I bought Wali Nyama for lunch. It was 2,500 TZS. He would have to polish shoes 5 times to have this lunch. ‘Has he met other customers? Does he have enough money to buy some food?’ I stared at my blameless shoes. Oh… the tip of my shoes has already got some dirt. I flipped a speck of dust off. Faced with an inconvenient truth, I slowly ate them all. I am so lucky man who never catches typhoid. I have always liked to eat local food since I was in Sierra Leone, but I am invulnerable to eat any kind of food. Some foreigners here do not enjoy eating local food, or they are too sensitive to eat new food and get typhoid, so they take the trouble to do cooking or buy food at the hotel restaurant. Morning hamburger was 6,000 TZS, and Chinese food was more than 15,000 TZS in the fancy restaurant. I could save my money thanks to my durable body, but it was still an inconvenient truth that I did not still understand what Swahili said in the local restaurant menu.

I came back to the office and finished up the report. I was using my laptop, MacBook Air. It was a small sized laptop that I have been using almost 2 years. Many people in the U.S. were using this computer, so I thought I was one of many users. But I am not a normal person here. The MacBook that has a bitten apple logo is unprecedented in kind in Africa, so people feel novel and usually ask me how much it is. Beside my laptop, my Samsung Galaxy S III that I have been using for more than 2 years is ardently charged. Around my wrist, my G-Shock watch is ticking away the seconds silently. I look like a rich, every inch of me. I came here for health in Africa, but now I breathe exotic fumes to them. Over several days, I had seriously thought whether I should put them in the luggage and get some old phone and old laptop in Sierra Leone. But once in a blue moon, I found Sierra Leoneans who was using the newest phone, Samsung Galaxy S5, so I just decided to use my stuff. Because it is me who use those. People also ask me how much my phone is, and how much does it cost to live in South Korea or in the U.S.

Once upon a time, there was a sketch, 불편한 진실 in the popular show Gag Concert in South Korea. Comedians raised a laugh by catching some inconvenient truths that happen around us all the time but cannot be blurted out for shame. But my situation is not for a gag; I really must be extremely careful about saying that. It is a sensitive issue, so I could have suppressed this inconvenient truth. But saying nothing would become more an inconvenient truth, so I am saying the fact.

Is helping people easy or hard? Through World Vision, many people sponsor a kid in Africa by donating $35 every month, but let’s look around us. You can see starving homeless people just right in front of you within 10 seconds. Who will you help? People who are almost dying of hunger around you or a poor child who has no money to attend the school in other parts of the world? 등잔 밑이 어둡다… Why am I here by taking multiple-hour of airplane without knowing anything about people’s life here? How much am I helpful to them with what sort of qualification? There is also enormous number of refugees in Baltimore, the place I had recently stayed, but I did nothing for them and came to Africa. Many friends who have not been to Africa vaguely think and tell me that it must be really cool and incredible for me to be here. That is another inconvenient truth to me. Where on earth is Chulwoo Park going? I do not know the answer yet. This is just irony.

이기적인 세상 속에서 나눔과 베품은 정말이지 어려운 문제인 같다. 얼마나 남들을 위하고 사랑하는지 모르겠다. 나의 얼만큼을 버려내야 사람들을 진정으로 생각한다고 말할 있는지도 모르겠다.’

I said Korean sentences in my blog for the first time. Because writing in second language, English, is also my inconvenient truth

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