Monday, September 22, 2014

Sept 15. 2014. Minimum

People struggle to raise minimum wages. In South Korea, minimum wage per hour in 2014 is 5,210 won ($5.01). This wage is slowly increasing every year. Minimum rages in the U.S. differ by each state. The lowest one is $5.15 in Wyoming, and the highest one is $9.50 in D.C. It is easy to set the range of minimum, but it would be hard to define the maximum. Probably, the maximum can stop at score 100 or speed limit 65 miles, but in the real world, it can also extend endlessly.

The reason why I bring up a topic of minimum and maximum is that I was somewhat disappointed at the minimum standards of behavior. I do requirement for class, fellowship, human relations, and my daily life. Obviously, it is really hard to do plus alpha. Nobody asks me to do something extra. However, in a flood of information, I am always agonizing what my minimum requirements are. For the class, there are hundreds of pages for references in the online library. Honestly, I suspect that instructors really expect students to read all of them. I have no time, no passion, and no necessity to look at them. Because reading all references do not guarantee grade A. Just focusing on small portion of to-do-list, which is requirement, all day long will be good for my mental health. As a courtesy, I downloaded all references and made each folder to classify into relevant lectures. It takes so long time to only complete downloading and assorting them. I glanced at them quickly by scrolling up and down, easily get bored, and then, I became frustrated. I do not know anything. Dissertations are hard, and there are so many other related papers in the PubMed. What should I certainly know and what do I not have to know? There is no finish line for learning.

For the human relations, we are not always all equal. Colleagues or friends can be equal relationship. When I feel people who I rely on do minimum of minimum to me, I may have some disappointment. Some do not even minimum. It would be my fault that I expect them to give me beyond the amount of minimum. When I realize the person who is closed to me turns out to be an utter stranger, I get lost in a maze again how I am satisfied with my human relations. No matter how I feel comfortable to be with, the distance between person and person always exist, and I do not also want to be interfered with somebody. Somehow, I am sad to think that everything around me is just superficial. Approaching one step closer could be meddling to you. Reversely, it is an unwelcome favor for me if someone keeps inquiring of me about every detail. Friends in Sierra Leone still call or text me to say hello. However, it is not that delighted to react to their concern. Sometimes, I missed or did not want to answer because I am serious in Tanzania. Then, they were upset and questioned me, “What happened? I am worrying about you.” “I knew that you have already forgotten me.” “You ignored me again…” What are all about? I already left Sierra Leone, and I cannot go back there. I am not cold-hearted, but I do not feel urgent necessity to answer for “Hi” every time because the text conversation would not be out of “Hi, I’m fine, how are you? I miss you. Me too. What are you doing? Bye.” I do miss them, but I do not want to express my yearning mind by continuing pointless parrot-cry. Am I so ingrate? They were so nice to me, and I was undeserved to receive all of those unmerited treatments. I do not know. I just feel so bad whenever I talk to them in different country. I feel like I left them and only myself escaped. Somehow, I just forget about everything about Sierra Leone. They must have felt betrayed. Since I could not do even minimum to them, they also must have felt they were ignored. It weighs so much upon my mind, but I cannot worry straight all through how they would feel.

It is an exact a boomerang effect. I do not know how much that is related, but it did backfire me. By when should I rely on someone? In the professional world, can’t people provide any unofficial help if they have no obligation for that? You do not care anymore if you complete the requirement? I must be a greedy man who needs both moral and material help. As a OOO, any position, there must be a certain responsibility. If there are 10 lists to complete as a duty but I do not find 11th list by myself, I will be stagnant in that level forever. I know people are busy enough to complete 10 lists. But I am also busy. I do not know what I am doing, but anyway, I keep myself busy. Finding and doing my plus alpha in earnest must be cumbersome, but it is the only way to exceed my limit. Being content with my present situation will not help anything; it would only give me a potbelly. Just like human tumble over hundreds of time and finally overcome toddler stage, the efforts to break the wall of current minimum have always to be done. Do I need solicit help from others? Then, I have to do solicit help for others first. It does not have to be give and take. Expecting receiving something later would not be good. It must be hard to do something for others unsparingly, but I believe it is worth doing to be a sincere person in the end. This boomerang will come back to me without noticing, and I will be able to move one step forward.

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