Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 11. I. Sherbro Island

Wow, a lot of petroleums!
Island means that the land is surrounded by water, am I right? Going to a new place is always exciting moment to me. Moreover, this island was the place where slaves were forcefully assembled in Sierra Leone history. All I have heard about Sherbro island was that there are solar panel streetlights that goes on at night, and there are no cars going around. Project manager, Joseph Musa, and Sherbro island development facilitator for AIM-Health, Christiana Kekura, and I left for island from Jong ADP office.

The way to the Sherbro Island was really interesting. First of all, our vehicle had to get cross the river by flat boat. The long rope was installed all across the river, and people pulled this rope continuously to move the boat. I thought it might take a long time to get to the opposite side, but it actually only took 15 minutes to go across the river. Then, the vehicle ran one hour to reach the sea. Second, our World Vision speedboat was waiting for us to take us to the Sherbro Island. We brought 10 barrels of petroleum for boat and generator. When we wore a life vest, speedboat captain started the engine. Let’s go! A stiff breeze passed my face and rim of the ear, the speedboat pitched and rolled, and water wave left a trace of the route from the backside of the boat. After 45 minutes, we arrived in the island.

Hear comes the boat to load up our vehicle and us!
A lot of Island people were gathered around the jetty. Finally, I first set foot on this island! We walked to Sherbro Island ADP office directly, and only security guard greeted us as we arrived. We waited for hired team for AIM-Health mid-term evaluation in the office, and the training for focused group discussion (FGD) had started. This team will conduct FGD with the mothers, husbands, community committee (COMM), citizen voice and action (CVA), and community health workers (CHW) during next week to evaluate AIM-Health project. Three people in this team were fully engaged, and I am expecting to witness one of the FGDs tomorrow.

They call it as "Chinese Lamp."
In the evening, Joseph, Christiana, and I walked around the island. I guess people here may know all with each other. Many houses were dilapidated and neglected, and I somewhat felt the sorrow of slaves who were confined in those houses in the history of the past. Evening shadows fell. The streetlights were sparsely installed, and it brightened the surrounding by ones and twos, as I had heard. We visited Bonthe Government Hospital, and entered children’s ward. There were about 20 beds inside, and some kids sadly crying. In the end of the ward, nurses are working under the Chinese lamp. Here I am, I heard the news that there was an Ebola case in Freetown. I asked it again to Christiana if this was true. We have to check it out tomorrow, when the Internet is available. It was obviously stuffy situation for me.  

“Mr. Musa! If there is even one Ebola victim in Freetown, I may have to evacuate Sierra Leone!”

World Vision International concerns that my safety is the top priority, so they will hold meeting for evacuation plan of Charles Park with World Vision Ireland and World Vision Sierra Leone on next Monday. I am deeply indebted to World Vision; staffs from many countries are taking care of my state of health. Yes, I am an attention No.1 fellow! I wish I could stay here in Sierra Leone to complete my tasks well.

Solar panel streetlights were installed this February.
We went to the new temporary home, Sherbro Island Guesthouse. I had dinner with our team, under a Chinese lamp, and waited until the light comes on. At long last, I heard the noisy sound from the generator, and the bulbs lightened. Yes, it’s time to work! However, my excited mind turned into disappointment because the electricity was only provided for an hour, 9:30pm-10:30pm. The complete darkness says hello to me, and I rely on the portable light and the computer screen now.

On the outside, menacing(?) frogs crying in-group, some animal like wolves were howling, and some insect were making strange sounds. I suddenly realize again I am in the island, and the ocean is right in front of the guesthouse. All I can do right now is go to bed, lie down, and expect the good morning on July 12. Okay… let me sleep. Bye for now.

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