Monday, July 7, 2014

July 5. Waiting for Phone Call

I was waiting for Mr. Musa’s phone call this morning. It was a good moment that I had something to do during the weekend. Yes! Mr. Musa called me at 9am.

“Charles! Charles Lissa have another meeting today, so the interview is delayed to next Monday.”

Mattru Jong Market
Oh… it was delayed again. However, he said his Nutrition class for nursing students would be at 4pm, so I would be able to join (I expected that this one would not be delayed or canceled because it was the class!) So I had no plan until 4pm. Luckily, there was a World Vision staff, Francis, who felt the same way – boring weekend – so we walked together to go to market.

There were no various stuffs in market, but I bought all what I needed: soap, light, and umbrella. Francis and I went to barber shop, and he did his haircut. The price was 3,000 Leone (about 70 cents). It was fun to watch; barber did not use scissor at all, and he used comb and razor blade. I was afraid when I would cut my hair. My hair is not like African hair, so it is weak and thin. I do not want to cut my brain! Razor blade looked scary.

Chicken Moms and Their Kids
We came back to the guesthouse, but it was still 12pm. There was plenty of time until 4pm. I read a book, had lunch, took a nap, looked at the scenery aimlessly, and drove spiders and flies away. Killing time was not that easy. The time, at last, became 3:30pm, but Mr. Musa had not called me to pick me up. So I called him. He was still interviewing incoming nursing students, and he promised to get back to me.  

He texted me at 3:50pm.

“The class is at 4pm but it’s raining and we do not have vehicle to collect you from the guest house.”

World Cup 2014 Football Match! 
Oh… so I could not join his class. Waiting for his calling all day long turned out to be no work and no activity. But it was ok because I have alternative activity: watching football! If there were no World Cup 2014 in Brazil during this time, I would really get depressed. Francis and I went to the place where there was TV. In Mattru Jong, there were only two places to watch football. Each person paid 1,000 Leone (about 23 cents) to enter the small room, and all people enjoyed watching football. 

We watched the first match, came back to the guesthouse to have dinner, and went back to watch the second match. Since Van Persi missed so many wonderful chances, and Costa Rica goalkeeper crazily saved all of the Netherland’s shoots, the match ended up penalty shootout. The commentator made a joke that Costa Rica was “Just a Keeper,” and the aspect seemed that Costa Rica would win the penalty. However, new Netherlands goalkeeper who was just substituted only for penalty saved two times, and Netherlands went to semifinal. They deserved to win. Everyone in that small room cheered enthusiastically. Africa and football are bound up each other.

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