Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 19. Stop! That is enough!

So the LORD sent a plague on Israel from that morning until the end of the time designated, and seventy thousand of the people from Dan to Beersheba died. When the angel stretched out his hand to destroy Jerusalem, the LORD relented concerning the disaster and said to the angel who was afflicting the people, "Enough! Withdraw your hand." The angel of the LORD was then at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. - 2 Samuel 24:15-16

Late-night meal during the break!
In the second book of Samuel, 70,000 people from Dan to Beersheba in Israel died, only in a day. Then, the Lord said to the angel of death, “Stop! That is enough!” In the morning devotion, we fetched a scream that only God can stop this Ebola outbreak. Please stop being mad.

Every World Vision devotion in the morning, we cannot forget about mentioning Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. People are continuously dying of Ebola. Nobody is free from Ebola in Sierra Leone. I was advised that I cannot take a taxi, cannot go to the market, cannot go to any crowded area because of possible contact with random patients. Of course, I should be fine if I only commute to the office and come back home directly in a World Vision car. But that is not what I wanted. Care sits heavily on me. National Office staffs set me at ease that I would be OK; somebody said, “I’m very resistant to let you go other countries,” others said, “You are not allowed to go East Africa.” My friend said, “I’ve just knew you. Please don’t go. I’ll protect you.” 

Prayer heat filled the room. 
In the evening, I visited pastor James home for all-night pray about Ebola. When pastor Israel invited me, I asked, “All-night pray? No sleep?” I was pop-eyed, and everyone laughed. Yes, No sleep. Let’s do it. I went there around 8pm and hung out with pastor James family members until 11:30pm. Little kid, Emmanuela cried whenever she saw me. But when I held out my hand, she put her hand on my palm while crying. I am not a bad person, Emmanuela! A group of James Jr’s friends came home, and we began testimony, sermon, and sang hymns from 11:30am until 4:30am. Wow… shortly after 3am, I felt dead tired. Fortunately, it was raining heavily all night long, so I went outside to get some fresh air time after time. The great charm of worship in Africa is hymn. It is exciting but sometimes it touches my heart. I will never get bored as long as I hear African hymns. All 20 people in the house joined the all-night pray with their total sincerity. If we gather, we have power to stay up all night to pray.

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