Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 12. II. New Six Senses: 2. See_The Beauty of Africa

Bush Bush Baby, Oh Bush Baby! 
When I was in Mattru, I used to take a walk with Francis: to go watch football, to go market, or just for exercise. We were both getting bored of staying in the guesthouse during the weekend, and passed away the idle hours.

While we were walking, he suddenly said, “Charles, I need to pass my water!”
I did not understand what he meant, but I did realize what he was doing: urinating in the bush! He said this was the beauty of Africa because bushes were everywhere, and nobody saw him. Also, there would be no fine or punishment from anywhere even if he did some excuse in the bush.

I found another beauty of Africa: living without electricity. They get used to the darkness and take it for granted. When the night comes, people sleep at 8 or 9pm and get up when sun brightens the surroundings. I asked Christiana what time she goes to bed and wakes up. She sleeps at 9pm and get up 3am. She does not have electricity at home. Wow. I asked again what she is doing at 3am. She turns on a Chinese lamp and does some work. I think Chinese lamp is a “lives enhancement tool” for her. I asked another question, “How do you keep food? Do you have cold water?” Then, everyone in the office laughed, and Mr.Musa said, “We just put the food on the table.” Wow. They must consume food right away!

Home, sweet home!
What else? Let me think. Yes, living in a mud hut or brick hut. There would be some leaks in the roof. People says Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world and the average wage in rural areas is less than one dollar day; however, I think that is just another way to live as a human being. The definition of rich and poor is only explained by MONEY. They sweep a front yard with a chunky broom every morning, hang the laundry, and cultivate the food, verbatim: self-sufficiency. But still, they may have to earn money to send their kids to school. Although there is no primary school fee, secondary junior school fee is 75,000 Leone ($17.44) for a year and secondary senior school fee is 90,000 Leone ($20.93) for a year. Where do they have to get those money?

“I have to do night shift tonight because I, find the money~!” Elizabeth from Family Kingdom Hotel used to say it quite often. Haha, her voice is still ringing in my ears. I am not finding money here in Africa, but finding experience: the experience that is irreplaceable.

The beauty of Africa. I will find them more.

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