Monday, July 7, 2014

July 4. I was about to Go

In Africa, there is something that I have always felt interesting: African Time! We Koreans also call Korean Time when someone is late for the meeting. I am not saying African does not keep their appointment. I understand there are some challenging situations that cannot be done right on time.

In the morning, I was waiting for the vehicle to commute from the guesthouse to the office. The vehicle was supposed to be here at 8am, but it came at 8:30am. I understand it could happen because the vehicle must have broken down, or some other events must have accidently happened.

The devotion was supposed to be started at 8:30am, but I was late, and it actually began at 8:50am. I understand it could happen because staffs like me must have been arrived at the office late due to unexpected happening.

I was supposed to meet District M&E Officer, Charles Lissa, at 10am for conducting in-depth interview (IDI), but it turned out that there was a time conflict with Skype meeting with ADP offices at 10am, so IDI was delayed. Due to the technical issues, the Skype meeting was also delayed for 30 minutes, and it continued until noon.

I was informed that I would go to see Mr. Lissa right after that Skype meeting, so I was standing by. Meanwhile, I read documents of World Vision AIM-Health Proposal and IDI tips, and sweated it out. Although Skype meeting was finished, Joseph told me grievous news, “Charles! We have a vehicle problem.”

It could happen. Here in Jong ADP office, the vehicle breaks down a lot, so I did not mind waiting again. However, I began to get bored with reading documents, and the clock pointed at 3pm. Joseph tried to find out the way to meet Mr. Lissa, and called him. Then, he told me, “Charles! Charles went home.”

I realized that Charles Park could not meet Charles Lissa easily. I waited for five hours, but IDI was delayed to the next day, Saturday at the same time, at 10am. Just at that moment, my lunch was delivered at 3pm. I wished I could had lunch earlier, but anyway, I pleasantly ate lunch. The time become 3:30pm, and Joseph told me, “Charles! We normally finish our work at 2:30pm on Fridays, so you can go!”

World Vision Sierra Leone Jong ADP Office
Yes, I was allowed to go. However, there was no vehicle to take me to downtown. I want to go downtown, the place where I have not been, to watch football match! The time is 4:12pm now, and I am still waiting for a vehicle.

I do not mean to sound cynical. I am surprised by Joseph’s passion for work all the time. Staffs are doing their best to finish the given tasks. They all also speak English quite freely (I cannot even pray in English yet!) If the infrastructure and road condition had been good enough, time delaying would not have happened. If the weather would not too hot or not raining too often, people would act more quickly without the influence of environment. It is about the environment, not people themselves.

The time is 4:20pm. Oh, here comes the vehicle! I had better go now. Talk to you soon! :)

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