Monday, July 21, 2014

July 20. Friends

Out of the blue, I was beginning to wonder what friend means. What is friend? It is not easy to answer. I meet people everyday. Even if we had been living under totally different circumstances, we can talk anything – food, history, school, church, daily life – to understand you and me. I came here last month, and I was about to get really friendly with people, but I am unexpectedly leaving soon. It is just hard for me to walk away from this Ebola emergency. However, either staying until September or staying until next week, the truth that I am going to leave will not be changed.

Friends in South Korea, in the U.S., and other countries… How often do I talk with them? Friends in Sierra Leone… When can I see you again? Someday? If so, when?

Who is my sincere friend who does really care about me? How often do I talk with them after I leave? Once a month? Once a year? Or, lost a contact number?

Meeting new people suddenly in a new place; how much do I feel excited? Confronting with new environment for jobs done; am I ready to challenge that? … Human affection is something that I would never forget. In the situation between holding on and moving on, I mull over a human relationship; who I have met and how I should done better for them. I thought I was familiar with meeting and saying goodbye over and over again. But now, I do have a heavy heart that I will have to leave people who are really great to me in the midst of my fellow work, ending up with the fact that I was entirely not helpful to cope with Ebola outbreak. Even if handling the crisis of Ebola is not my role, I feel like I should have found anything to contribute to fighting with Ebola. But still, I have another week in Sierra Leone. I have to think what I can do during the remaining time, not being swaying over the fear of Ebola.  

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