Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 8. Sierra Leoneans Cuisine 4: Plantain Chips with Chicken

I thought this was a banana snack, but it was a cooking plantain, major food staple in West and Central Africa. The size of plantain is much bigger than banana. Fried yellow plantains have 236 calrories, 41g carbohydrate, and 507 mg potassium per 100g, as compared to 89 calories, 23g carbohydrate, and 358 mg potassium for 100g banana. It tasted good, but I realized that contains high calories, so I needed to avoid eating much.

I only saw the fried one, but it can also be cooked as steamed, boiled, baked, grilled, dried flour, curries, and soup. In peru, people make drink with plantains, water, and suger, so called chapo. There are also various kinds of plantain dishes all over the world that I want to try in the future.  

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