Monday, July 7, 2014

July 6. Sunday

I realized today what Sunday means: Sun + day! It usually rains every day, but strangely, it did not rain today, so I did not need an umbrella.

The best activity to spend Sunday in the new place was to go to church. So I texted Joseph if it is possible to go to his church. He called me one hour later and said, “Let’s go now!”

I was surprised that he appeared riding a motorbike, wearing white formal shirt and necktie. Wow, I rode the backseat of the motorbike and went to church. And I was surprised again that he gave a sermon to church members. He was a pastor Joseph!

He was so kind that he dropped me off when the church service was finished, and came back to guesthouse at 4pm to invite me to the kindergarten graduation party. (I thought this party was for all kindergarten students’ graduation, but it was actually for one kid!) More than one hundreds of people came to this party and celebrated her kindergarten graduation.

At night, I talked to Allyson, my sincere colleague at school. I was glad that she is doing well and adjust to live in Ghana. Although we are in different place, I believe that we will be a good motivation with each other to complete our practicum successfully.

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