Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 11. III. Technology!

I had to admit that I had no idea how simply switching a “SIM card” can enable me to use my Samsung Galaxy cell phone in Africa. Likewise, I was surprised again that I can really connect Internet anywhere by simply plugging “modem” into my laptop. In the evening, I realized that I did not actually need a modem because I can use “Mobile Hotspot” function of my cell phone to share Internet service and use it for my laptop. Franklyn and Michael explained how it is possible. Wow, technology! I came from South Korea where has an advanced Information Technology, but I was totally blind about it. 

Internet and electricity is on and off frequently, and Internet speed are slow, but it is fine because I can even write my story in my blog! I guess Internet is everywhere, and cell phone is even more common in the world. It is true that the majority of people in the world have cell phone and mobile Health (m-Health) is a feasible strategy to practice medicine and public health.

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