Monday, June 23, 2014

June 22. Braveness vs. recklessness

“You didn’t prepare well!”
A friend of mine was surprised. She asked me the situation of politics in Sierra Leone, and I said, “Well… I am not sure.” Then, she urged me to prepare everything thoroughly before I get here. Anyway, I got here in Sierra Leone. Now, I see how people live, read books and newspapers, go to church, eat street food, go jogging in the morning, talk with security guys at night, and work with staff at the National Office.

Do I adjust to live here well? Hmm… I am not quite sure what level of adjustment can make me satisfy myself and say, “Yes, I live here just like residents!” but I am not sick so far. It has already been two weeks, but I have not gotten malaria or Ebola. I have heard often that Sierra Leoneans die of malaria, and my friends worry about me seeing my mosquito bite spots.

Malaria and Ebola: diseases that I have never worried about in my entire life. Prevention is the best thing I can do, so I try not to forget to apply insect repellent and take malaria pills every day. Of course, everything besides diseases is also NEW. The weather is super hot. I always expect rain that makes the air cool. Bugs are everywhere. I thank God that I was not born as a tiny bug. Street foods are suspicious, but I just eat. Why? Because I am hungry.
I am the person who makes plans every single time, way ahead of time. I do not know my future, so it bothers me. Perhaps, I like to make plan because I am afraid of my future. I wish my life should be always to the apex, but you know, life is like a roller coaster. I cannot control everything that happens around me, and I need to learn how to let it go or take it as my destiny.

Yes, this is my destiny. Kevin jokingly asked me on Skype, “Did you get Ebola yet?” Haha, luckily, I am fine and writing my blog. I am learning how I can thank everything that I am currently given. There are still many things that I have to overcome in this new environment, so I could have complained. Complain… that was my problem. I have always complained myself, “Why I cannot be better? Why do I have only these? Why am I not good at this?” However, I would like to have a lively sense of gratitude for all situations from now; I can drink clean water, meet my friends who worry my mosquito bites, see the beautiful beach, have my home, work with passionate World Vision staff, and watch football match at bar. What else should I need more? I already have all. And I have already prepared and adjusted well. If I had thought too much about situations in Sierra Leone, I would have not come here and gained thankful mind. I just came. Was I brave or reckless? At least, what I can say with confidence is that it was a timing that I needed to dare to act, dare to challenge, and dare to overcome in Sierra Leone, rather than scribbling meaningless plans on the scratch paper.

The new week will begin tomorrow. Michael must have come back from Kenya, and we can finally start working using Lives Saved Tool (LiST). Still, I do not know what will exactly happen tomorrow even if I plan for every minute. Nonetheless, I will enjoy any situations and act flexibly so that I can handle any unexpected happening well. And I would like to tell my friend, “My friend, thanks for your concern, but I did prepare well, and I am doing awesome!”

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