role as a World Vision Global Health Fellow is to work with Sierra Leone
National Office (NO) team to evaluate Access to Infant and Maternal Health
(AIM-Health) as well as monitor NO team by analyzing Lives Saved Tool (LiST).
World Vision focuses on improving women and children’s health with a strong
faith toward Jesus Christ, and AIM-Heath has launched for the reduction of
under-five and maternal mortality in five African countries, Mauritania, Sierra
Leone, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. There are four fellows from Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health, and my colleagues will go to Kenya, Uganda,
and Tanzania soon enough. This four-year program is funded by an Irish Aid
Grant from World Vision Ireland, and evidence-based and cost-effective
interventions for pregnant women (7 core interventions) and children (11 core
interventions) will be implemented in these five African countries, so called
7-11 Strategy.
have prepared to begin this role since last 4th term; I took Modeling Change in Maternal, Neonatal and
Child Mortality class to understand how to use and analyze LiST. We can ask
this simple question to ourselves, “What kinds of intervention is more
effective to save more lives? How many deaths would be averted thanks to a
particular intervention? How much coverage should be projected until 2020?” LiST
is a projection-modeling tool that estimates the impact of 36 interventions to
save maternal and child lives. Of course, we do not know what will happen
exactly in the future. However, at least, we can predict and decide the most
effective intervention to reduce stunting, under-5 mortality rate, neonatal
mortality rate, and maternal mortality ratio, stillbirth rates, and deaths.
LiST will make 7-11 Strategy more realistic and viable to fulfill our goals by
identifying the best interventions for Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Infectious disease,
and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).
made a draft of action plan from the beginning to September. I thought literature
reviewing should be going on until the project to understand perfectly about
LiST, World Vision’s Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN), Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), World Vision’s Global Health Research, Design,
Monitoring and Evaluation (RDME), and policies. I will have to find out the most
feasible scale-up scenarios from the LiST’s 36 interventions. There will be a
data collection and entry from the fieldwork in Bonthe District, and modeling
and analyzing to conclude our outcome and present it to staff. I am excited to use LiST for a real situation in Sierra Leone, but on the one hand, I
felt some pressure that I have to be a LiST expert to support National Team.
Anyhow, I will enjoy my work. Michael Balmoh will attend LiST workshop in Kenya
next week, and then, he and I will put out head together to find a solution for
Sierra Leone’s high neonatal/maternal mortality.
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