Monday, June 9, 2014

One and half Days in New York

At last, I came to New York at the end of my 20s. I finally realize why people say New Yorkers. I was Utahan, but I made a joke that I am “Utahker.” A friend of mine told me that I might enjoy just for a few days in New York and will get bored. But it is OK, because I will just stay in New York for one and half days.

My flight to Sierra Leone is on June 8th, Sunday at JFK airport, so I took a bus from Baltimore to New York one day before departure to look around New York. There were so much fun to do! I watched two musicals, Chicago at 2pm and The Book of Mormon at 8pm. Musical is too expensive, but when can I watch musical again? And I could not miss both musicals because Chicago is one of the most famous musicals for a long time. I also had to watch The Book of Mormon because I studied for my undergraduate in Utah, and I have many Mormon friends. I enjoyed modern dance in Chicago, but personally, it was not too impressive musical for me because I was a modern dance minor at school (I could not complete it…), and there was nothing new to me. However, The Book of Mormon was a really great musical to watch; the story is Mormon’s missionary life in Africa, Uganda, and it was hilarious and funny.

There was Korea Town at 32nd St, and I ate a lot. I had dinner one of Korean restaurants by myself and I ordered 설렁탕 and 수육. When I ate them so well, 사장님 suddenly came to me and asked, “혼자서 왜 이리 많이 먹어요?”

I felt that I could hang out for a whole year and never get bored in New York. On Sunday morning, I met Albert and chatted. It is surprising to me that he researches and studies Ebola virus. While he studies how to develop Ebola vaccine, I will be in the very place where Ebola virus outbreak occurs.

New York was very attractive city where I would like to visit again. I was only at Times Square, and I believe there should be many other places to represent what New York is. Also, I might see the biggest difference between New York and Sierra Leone; it is an ironic situation for me that the last place I stay in the U.S. is New York, just before leaving for Sierra Leone. After I saw one of the most crowded places and city people in the world, I am going to go to rural areas where there would be no Internet service.

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