Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23. I. Out of Control?

Ebola is the biggest threat in Sierra Leone. 
Last Friday, a senior official with Doctors Without Borders said that the Ebola outbreak is “totally out of control.” This deadly disease is still ruining many of lives in West Africa – Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone – and more than 330 deaths occurred so far. However, Sierra Leone defends Doctor Without Borders’ thought to Ebola outbreak.

But Sierra Leone's Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Theo Nicol said that criticism is unfair, saying that his country has worked hard to educate people about how to stop the spread of the disease and has declared a state of emergency in the area where people have died.

"So if (Doctors Without Borders) is now saying that the disease is out of control, then we all share the blame for it being uncontrollable," he said. "We should all share the blame and later on share the credit when we finally combat the disease, which will be soon."

Today, I received LiST Training Report in Kenya from Michael and devised World Vision Sierra Leone Action Plan. I expect that analyzing LiST would be of great service to infant/maternal health in Sierra Leone.

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