Friday, June 13, 2014

June 13. I. First Friday

Bonthe District in Sierra Leone
It is my first Friday today in Sierra Leone. The good thing is work finishes at 2:30pm. My first week looks calm, but my second week will have some big waves. I will go to Bonthe District next Tuesday! The Bonthe District is the Southern Province of Sierra Leone that is consist of 11 chiefdoms, and the majority of population is Sherbro people. I will leave for Mattru Jong, the largest city in Bonthe early in the morning on Tuesday. All I know at this point is that the electricity at night is limited to 3 hours at night, and I may not be allowed to go to Imperi or Sherbro Island Area Development Programme (ADP) due to the possible risk of Ebola virus. Despite the fact that my movement in Sierra Leone would be restricted, it would be exciting to go to the field and collect the data.

In the afternoon, Michael left for Nairobi, Kenya to attend one-week Lives Saved Tool (LiST) workshop. My advisor at school, Ingrid, and my fellow program coordinator, Erin also go to Kenya. I was so amazed by their passion and enthusiasm about neonatal/maternal health in Africa; I am a mere single that I only have to take care of myself, but I cannot perfectly do self management. How can I be a good student, good son, good friend, good husband, good father, and good professional at the same time?

I have been in a hotel that close to a beautiful beach, and it is time to move to my permanent home for four months in Freetown. Staff drove me to the apartment and asked me if it was ok for me. First, it was not a guest house. Second, there was a kitchen. Third, I can live here by myself. Fourth, there were two rooms, two bed. It was too generous for me. It was way more than I say "Yes." I appreciated their offering. On the one hand, I feel bad when I see people who are in just around the corner lives in a nearly collapsed concrete house. I never understand what the fairness is. Many people are chasing the better environment, condition, and background. So am I. How many times I look around people around me? Now, it is time for me to do that. I believe that just reading literature and projecting impact of LiST intervention cannot be everything that I can. That is why I like field activity. Let's go!

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