Friday, June 20, 2014

June 17. II. Adventure has just began in Bonthe District

View of Freetown on the way to Bonthe District
Villages in Moyamba District
Today, Allieu, Momoh, Saidu, and I went to Bonthe District. It was a long and adventurous 6-hour driving. On the way to Bonthe, we passed by Moyamba district. Of course, there was no light and no supermarket, so I was wondering what food they eat for living. So I asked a silly question, “Where is supermarket? What do they eat?” Saidu answered with laughing that they had a small farm. (To my eyes, I did not see where that farm was.) At night, we simply switch on light. But here, there is nothing else to do except sleep at night. When the sun removes the darkness and chickens cry, people will wake up and start the new day. (I do not know if this is true, though.) 

Cell phone signal went off while we passed the bumpy soil road, and residents were walking through the side of this road carrying some stuff over their head. They may have special eyes to get their place in this inky darkness! I have to thank electricity. Here in Sierra Leone, sending an one text message and having a light at night are all precious.

I have to get to those tiny lights!
I was suddenly curious where we stay for a week. Surprisingly, there was a guest house in the middle of nowhere! Our team will stay here for a week. I finally met Magnus, AIM-Health coordinator from Dublin, Ireland. There was no TV in this guest house. Can I watch the World Cup football game, South Korea vs. Russia? Fortunately, there was an one place – BAR – where has a TV we could get to the bar by riding a motorbike. Okay, let’s go! To reach the tiny but bling three lights, I rode a motorbike. I got there at perfect timing, and I watched the football game from the beginning. Everyone cheered for South Korea, but Korea tied with Russia, 1 to 1. Regardless of the football result, it was a great night that I have never imagined. I am already expecting what adventure is waiting for me tomorrow.

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