Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16. Heavy Rain

In Sierra Leone, it rains almost every day, especially during the night or early in the morning. After having first weekend in Sierra Leone, I needed to get back to the office on Monday. How then? World Vision van did not come. And suddenly, it rained cats and dogs, and I ended up taking hotel van to get to the office. I like this rainy season (May to November) because raining makes weather cool. I assume weather in South Korea will be simmering heat during summer, but I am enjoying the rainy season (monsoon season) in Africa. The average annual rainfall occurs during this rainy season and it makes vegetation grows, so that is also called “green season.” During December to May, there is a dry season that we exactly expect the heat in Africa.

In the afternoon, the weather turned to clean like magic. I said good-bye to the hotel, and moved to my real home eventually. The first thought that I came up to my mind was that ‘Where is a supermarket? What food can I cook?’ And second thought was that ‘What am I going to do after work because TV does not work and there is no Internet yet?’

Luckily, I leave for Bonthe District tomorrow morning. This area has extremely poor sanitation condition that almost 70% people have no access to improved water. Bonthe District ADP baseline report had a picture of people’s drinking water, and it should be cleaned to prevent any diseases. Going to the field must be exciting for me to examine the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) situation, and any other health concerns.

From AIM-Health & PPA Sierra Leone Programme : Imperi, Jong, KKS & Sherbro Island Baseline Report 

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