Monday, June 9, 2014

At the JFK Airport

Now, I am waiting for Brussels Airlines that will take me to Freetown, Sierra Leone. It will take 7 hours 25 minutes to get to Brussels, Belgium, and another 11 hours 45 minutes to go to Freetown, Sierra Leone. A total travel time including lay over would be 24 hours and 5 minutes.

It is the second time for me to go to Africa. When I went to Ghana two years ago, I was with the University of Utah group, consisting of 25 students and 3 professors, and it was only for a month. At this time, I am at the airport by myself, and I will be there for 4 months. I have always thought, “Can I do this well?” And the answer for that is always “YES, and I should!” I really hope that I will enjoy my project and life in Sierra Leone, and continue internship work in Africa with World Vision after completing Sierra Leone project.

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