As I did in the morning, I began my work with
devotion. All staffs are paying sharp attention to Ebola outbreak. The
government decided to close down all schools and ban public gathering in
Kailahun District, where particularly has serious Ebola cases.
I reviewed
hundreds pages of Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) briefly and
read bunch of Sierra Leone baseline data that were just uploaded in the
Dropbox. I may go to Imperi and Sherbro Island Area Development Programme (ADP)
to collect data in Bonthe District next week. At the end of the day, I signed
in my Fellowship Agreement document!
철우오빠! I read all your articles and I liked them so much! I wish I could read your "The 춤" but I never got a chance to read. Anyway! I was so impressive all your journey so far and I am very x3 proud of you! I heard about Ebola Virus in Sierra Leone from KBS news tonight. I hope you keep healthy while you stay in Sierra Leone. And, I look forward your further journey story in Africa!