Monday, June 30, 2014

June 29. I. Where is Saint John?

Today, I decided to go to church by myself. I was still not familiar with roads, but I remembered the big point: go to the Aberdeen road (1,000 Leone), and then taking another taxi to go to the Saint (St) John (1,000 Leone). Finding taxi or motorbike on the road normally takes less than 10 seconds. I chose the taxi, safer transportation, and it was the first moment that I took a taxi alone.

“Ah-Bah-Dee road!” (Aberdeen road!)
“Ah-Bah-Dee road weh-ah?” (Aberdeen road where?)
“Well… Aberdeen road intersection?”

All I knew was just “Aberdeen road.” I did not know where this road starts and ends. Taxi should go to a certain spot if I just say “Aberdeen road” from the place where I was standing. Anyway, taxi departed. There were no traffic lights anywhere, but it was amazing that all motor vehicles went here and there smoothly, and motorbikes passed well between cars. The roads were not that complicated; even though there was a winding path, it was an actually one main road. Expectably, the taxi driver drove me there, and I got off because the driver demanded 20,000 Leone to go directly to St John. Motorbike drivers lined up through Aberdeen road intersection, and everyone called me,

“China!” “Let’s go?” “We going?”

But at this time, I wanted to catch another taxi, safer transportation again. I needed some bargaining because 1,000 Leone was enough to get to St John. I got in a taxi. I was not familiar with the roads from here, so I began to feel worried. A taxi entered a crossroad, the different way where I did not expect to be.

“Is here Saint John?”
“Can I get off here?”
“No problem.”

Well, it was not Saint John, and I searched for Saint John everywhere. There were many people wearing nice suits (I assume they were also going to their churches), so I asked people over and over,

“Hello, where is Saint John?”

The nice man who I asked last saw my church’s address, and kindly caught the motorbike and explained the driver where I was going. I did not ask his name, but I thanked him! I had no choice but to ride a motorbike, less safe transportation, paying 1,000 Leone. But, it was fun! Although I could not find Saint John for myself, God guided me onto the right path to the church by allowing me to meet good people on the street.

“Cha-ss!” (Charles!)

Little girls from the church called my name when I got an alleyway of the church. Haha, I arrived. We went into the church together.

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